T.O swag
Written By zirong on Friday, July 1, 2011 | 10:13 PM
Awwwwwww man ya'll! Toronto is one of the greatest cities Ive visited, everyone is super nice, the boobs are amazing, and just stuff man, stuff. It was great, and yo, I was surprised that a bunch of people knew what ADEEN was and who I was. Well, thats what happens when youre married to the most important 19 year old in Canada on facebook :D haha But it really felt good to get recognition in a city and a country where I've never visited before. It really made me feel like everything I was doing was working. I feel super humbled and it really motivates me to keep working and going. I got to meet The Weeknd, The Airplane Boys and Partied at Boi 1da's table at Karlas birthday party! And of course Spending time with Karla for her birthday was awesome. I havent seen her in so long and was so happy to see her fine self <3 Ok here are some pics! Canada I'll be back soon!