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Crimson Arrow

Written By zirong on Thursday, July 28, 2011 | 6:40 PM

Ok so my mom told me about this band thats her, friends daughters boyfriend is in. My initial reaction was just ".....lol". Sounds like some ghetto rumor like, oh I heard it from my sistahs boyfriends auntie grandma cousin. But as she played the music I was like..... ok! OK! I like this, and she played more and I was like ok! I like this a lot! So because I like it, therefore I shall do a blog post on it. Its not even really my type of music but I like it, so I see no reason why any of you shouldn't. The band is from Katy, Texas and are made up of members from ages 15-18 and they will be releasing their first album August 2nd on iTunes. Check out some music from them here. 
Crimson Arrow - Forever by kellan
And Heres an interview they did

Check out the rest of their music on their facebook music page here


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